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Cervical Cancer

Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women; it is estimated that 470,000 new cases arise each year and that cervical cancer causes over 233,000 deaths per year. Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are believed to be the primary viruses causing pre‐neoplastic and malignant lesions of the uterine cervix[1]. High-risk HPV DNA is found in almost all cervical cancers[1].

The Pap smear has been the main technique used for cervical screening resulting in an impressive decrease in deaths from cervical cancer[2]. However, the Pap smear has important disadvantages, such as a high false negative rate resulting in a low sensitivity[1].

One of the current challenges is to identify accurate biomarkers for the detection and diagnosis of cervical carcinoma and its malignant precursors. Biomarkers that can correctly predict outcomes might play a major role in clinical decision making[1], improving screening, detection, diagnosis, treatment monitoring, prognostic evaluation and prediction of recurrence of cervical cancer.

Check our list to see whether our research antibodies will support you looking into cervical cancer.

Item Clone Isotype Product code
ABCG2 3G8 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1856
ABCG2 1H2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1857
ALDH1A1 5A11 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1467
ALDH1A1 2B2G1 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1858
ALDH1A1 2G1G4 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1859
AMACR 2A10F3 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1136
Androgen receptor 2H8 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1346
ANPEP 1C7D7 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1865
BCL-2 8E12 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1439
BECN1 2A4 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1550
BMI1 3E3 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1653
CD105 3A9 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1589
CD133 3F10 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1607
CD14 UCHM1 Mouse IgG2a IQP-143
CD148 1D2C11 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1847
CD148 6F2E12 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1848
CD152 8B3F8 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1852
CD31 2F7B2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1113
CD34 581 Mouse IgG1 IQP-144
CD39 6H12F9 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1844
CD39 8E9F2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1845
CD44 MEM-85 Mouse IgG2b IQP-118
CDKN2a (P16INK4A) 1D7D2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1801
CEA 3G12 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1523
CEA 1C7 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1524
CK17 (keratin 17) 3B12 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1308
CK7 5D12 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1358
CSF1 2D10 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1347
E7 3D6F1 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1214
E7 6F3 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1547
EGFR 5E10D3 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1853
EGFR 7A6F12 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1854
EGFR mutant 5G9B5 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1855
ERBB2 (HER-2) 6C2B12 Mouse IgG1/IgG2b IQP-1180
ERBB2 (HER-2) 6C2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1478
FAS 4F8H6 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1693
FAS 4F8D6 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1695
FoxP3 3G3 Mouse IgG1 IQP-651
HER-2 (ERBB2) 9B9D8 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1109
HLA-1 MEM-147 Mouse IgG1 IQP-621
HLA-1 W6/32 Mouse IgG2a IQP-622
HLA-DR BRA30 Mouse IgG2a IQP-134
HLA-DR MEM-12 Mouse IgG1 IQP-550
HLA-DR L243 Mouse IgG2a IQP-625
IGF2 8H1 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1767
INHA 4E2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1481
INHA 4A2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1092
ITGB1 3B6 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1697
ITGB1 3B6B2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1698
ITK 5G12C4 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1185
ITK 5G6 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1612
JAK3 5H2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1330
Keratin 18 DC10 Mouse IgG1 IQP-332
Keratin 8 C51 Mouse IgG1 IQP-331
KI67 8D5 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1465
KI67 4A1 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1299
KI67 9C12B2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1349
KLF4 1E5 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1444
KLF4 1E6 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1471
KRT13 (keratin 13) 3G4 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1759
KRT20 (keratin 20) 2C7B9 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1868
LGR5 2B5B9 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1860
LGR5 2B5C3 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1861
MAP1LC3A 7E9E12 Mouse IgG2a IQP-1874
MCM2 2B3 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1628
MCM2 1E7 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1657
MMP2 4D1E2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1807
MMP9 5G3 Mouse IgG2a IQP-1619
MMP9 5C3 Mouse IgG2a IQP-1621
MSI1 2A12 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1545
MUC16 (CA-125) 4C8C8 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1812
MUC16 (CA-125) 2E9C2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1813
MUC2 2G4B7 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1869
MUC2 4A5G8 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1870
MUC2 7B8G10 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1871
MUC5AC 7E9D8 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1872
MUC5AC 8H8G6 Mouse IgG2a IQP-1873
NANOG 1E6C4 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1244
NFKB1 5D10 Mouse IgG2a IQP-1592
NFKB1 5D10D11 Mouse IgG2a IQP-1602
NGFR 2F1C2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1352
NT5E 1D7 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1311
NT5E 4G6B10 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1850
NT5E 4G6E3 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1851
Oct4 1D10H6 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1246
Oct4 3A5 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1362
Oct4 7E7 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1487
Oct4 5F7 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1514
p16 2D9A12 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1111
p16 1E12E10 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1112
p16 5A8A4 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1119
p53 BP53.12 Mouse IgG2a IQP-171
p63α 4E5 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1543
PCNA 7H4F8 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1849
RB 7E4B8 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1031
SNAI1 6D2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1544
SNAI2 2H5 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1390
SNAI2 4B6D5 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1864
SOX2 10F10C9 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1224
SOX2 10F10 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1512
STAT5A 6D4 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1790
STAT5B 5B3 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1435
Survivin 2H5H2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1154
THY1 7E1B11 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1862
TOP2A 6D4B2 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1866
TOP2A 6C12G12 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1867
TWIST1 2F8E7 Mouse IgG2b IQP-1794
TWIST1 10E4E6 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1863
Vimentin 9E7E7 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1101
Vimentin 4F2E9 Mouse IgG1 IQP-1256


  1. Yim, E.K. and J.S. Park, Biomarkers in cervical cancer. Biomark Insights, 2007. 1: p. 215-25.
  2. Sahasrabuddhe, V.V., P. Luhn, and N. Wentzensen, Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer: biomarkers for improved prevention efforts. Future Microbiol, 2011. 6(9): p. 1083-98.

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