Violet Fluorochrome: Dy-410
Dy-410 is a bright fluorescent dye excited by the violet laser (405 nm) and emits at 460 nm. The availability of the Dy-410 antibodies provides the possibility to extend the use of more fluorochromes in your antibody panels. They are highly suitable to be used in combination with conjugates in the ultraviolet, green and red channel.

Figure 1. Flow cytometry analysis of whole blood stained with Dy-410 conjugated antibodies. Histograms: uninterrupted line represents stained sample, interrupted line represents blanc sample.
Anti-Hemoglobin F Dy-410
The anti-hemoglobin F antibody (clone WBAC HbF1) is also available with Dy-410. Hemoglobin F (HbF) is predominantly expressed by fetal erythrocytes. In some cases, HbF is also expressed by adult erythrocytes. These cells are called F-cells and can represent up to 25 % of the total erythrocyte population.

Figure 2. Flow cytometry analysis of red blood cells stained with Dy-410 conjugated anti-hemoglobin F antibody. Histograms: uninterrupted line represents stained sample, interrupted line represents blanc sample.